Let's call today: 'Tuesday, 29 March 2005'
wrote in the notebook:
huzzah! hello blogfans! did you miss me? sorry ive been offline for ages. our servers down... for ever it seems.
oh yay.
most recent news: i just dropped one subject from uni because in short, it sucks. kinda recent news: Missy Higgins was on Saturday night and she rocked! Carly got her own private broadcast of it thanks to the whole 5c a min calling thing we have. yay! old news: sinus infections suck... and so do stupid ISP's.
So much to blog about, so little time. The most important thing to mention is that Kirsty and my monstrosity of a series has entered proper pre-production stage, and on friday we actually shot some scenes. I edited most of them together last nite - they rock. My favorite is the spaghetti western and the music clip, mostly because of the snippets of dialogue i threw in. Ok, no more information for you! I also threw together a cool title image using a still screenshot from footage of us slacking off on a bench in port adelaide with our funky* glasses on.
The good news about today is that I saw helen when i came in to the library, but she didnt see me (yes it is the second part of that sentence thats the good part, not the first).
Oh by the way, anyone wanting something to do on April 7th, go see Lior at Flinders Uni. He opened for Missy Higgins on Saturday, and he was awesome. A beautiful boy with a beautiful voice. Another guy called George Burn (yes i laughed too) did a few songs too, and while he was good, there's something about mumbling intro's and 'umming' alot that tells me his stage-presence needs some work. Lior just strutted on, took up his guitar and did his thang.
And ok, I may've been sitting a bit far from the stage, but he looked beautiful to me.
Meh, everyone knows i have a thing for the boys with dark curly locks. He sang a Jewish Prayer a capella in Hebrew. It gave me goosebumps. If i had the money on me, i'd have bought his album. (ammendment 30/5/2005: i found it at the library huzzah! so now i can borrow it and listen to it over and over and over).
what else for this massive updatey post? Hmm...
Hey, cos i dropped this class I have Tuesdays and Thursdays off! Woohoo! Maybe I'll ask work if they need people then.
I'm seriously getting poor. Kirsty and I went and checked out a camcorder package, and there was only one thing about it that made me not want it, and as the footage in the car shows in our conversation later, i really really wanted it. But on the bright side, it saved me some money. 1200 in fact.
*thankyou to carly for pointing out my rather subliminal spelling errors
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