Let's call today: 'Thursday, 19 May 2005'
wrote in the notebook:
"an' i would walk 500 miles..." the proclaimers are so cool - i love a song i can sing in an accent. Ach Jimmy!
yesterday i took Steve back to the costume shop *sniff* it was a sad farewell. but i told the ladies who looked after him how much of a success he was and that i'll hire him again.
then i couldnt be bothered parking my car and catching the bus to uni so i just drove since i filled up my car with petrol. on the way, i made stops at various op shops to peruse over more things to waste my money on.
eventually i arrived, slept thru a class, discovered my lecture was cancelled, and messaged allan to tell him i could meet him an hour earlier, at 4 instead of at 5pm. so i parked at the shops and waited...
..and waited... ...and messaged... ...and waited...
I amused myself by finally getting around to clean out the inside of my car, and organising FOH stuff for Equus.
Fifteen minutes past 5 this smiley redheaded boy bounced up to my car bearing hugs and saying sorry, his phone had died. likely story, i said. i then told him i was beginning to think he was going to stand me up, and to get into my car.
then i drove him towards Norton Summit with the full intention of dumping his body somewhere in the hills, but somewhere between leaving the magill shops and doing a 3point turn in someones driveway, he convinced me that his phone had indeed died, so i let him off the hook - this time...... muhahaha
so we settled for chatting in my car since it was freezing out and he a rehearsal to go to and there was no point going to get something to eat or whatever.
ever have that conversation with yourself "ok im leaving now.... as in... right now.... really... now... definately going now... now.... ok now..." ?
well yeah, a few of those followed
and hugs and kisses
and now im shutting up *ahem*
my lesbian friends are gonna jump me in a dark alley and i'll never be heard from again....
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