Let's call today: 'Sunday, 12 June 2005'
wrote in the notebook:
well if carly stepped out into her backyard late lastnight and listened for sounds of merriment and dualing guitars launched full throttle into folk music, she'd have heard the lil backyard bash i was at a block or so away from her.
the first girl i met at that stupid farm that has enslaved me since that Friday 13th in Feb 2004, was Shell. she's a happy bouncy lil ragamuffin who didnt spend nearly enough time at the farm once i started for my liking. her energy is amazing. its impossible to be unhappy around her.
every now and then she'd walk past carly and i on her way to or from class when we'd sit in the TAFE courtyard on carls' lunchbreak - and she'd always be beaming.
i love Shell.
so anyway, lastnight Ember introduced me to the 6 or so others there - they were all so cool, and tho i was the baby of the evening (as usual) they all agreed that i was cool too (of course).
out came guitars, a mandolin, a 'shussher' as katie calls it (percussion ball thing full of seeds etc - goes 'shussher-shussher-shussher' when u shake it), a cool folk drum which i've forgotten the name of, and a bongo drum.
we all rocked.
there was a brazier in the middle of all of us - i was part of the alcohol & firewood run - and now i smell of smoke. when the firewood ran out, Koby (sorry if that's spelt different) and i partook in sawing up an old table and bench set. mehehe i got to hold the torch and carry the wood back. it was hilarious. he was too drunk to even be doing it, but it all worked out without any major traumas.
we had one wounded - my right shoe, one of my NEW shoes, now has 2 melted spots from the renegade embers that spilled out in the wind at various times during the evening.
oh well, they look loved and have character now - i just woulda liked them to be over a week old before they got any such character. feh. "not happy jan!"
Ember is so funny drunk - i thought she loved me before - damn. it reminded me of April in the Little Shop castparty:
"i love you vicki, you're great" *wander off* - *wander back* - *hug* "vicki you're so great, i love you." etc etc this sort of thing is bad for my ego.
mehe i love it!
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