Let's call today: 'Saturday, 24 September 2005'
wrote in the notebook:
Anyone watch Channel 9 late last night? 'Death, Taxes and Richard Simmons'
The Late Show with Dave Letterman Dave's guests included Teri Hatcher, and an Adelaide football player talking unintelligibly about how he fractured his finger in 11 places and had to have it removed. Okay, fair enough, that's pretty bad and I'm sure that was very painful and traumatic for you, but how the hell does that get you a spot on Letterman?? I'm an Aussie and even I was listening to him rabble on thinking 'what the hell did he just say??' And this was all he talked about, a little bit of football, and losing his finger. There's a truckload of talented, charming and entertaining people out there (from Adelaide too!) that DESERVE to be on TV and will make the whole experience enjoyable for hosts and viewers alike. People like, say... oh I dunno... me? For the whole 5mins of his appearance I was yelling at the TV asking 'why are you there???' I was so distraught I contacted CBS: So whose idea was it to have an AFL player on the show talking only about losing his finger? As an Adelaide girl myself I was almost ashamed that this was our ambassador on one of my favourite Entertainment shows. Was he just there and you were out of personalities to showcase and you thought 'hey let's get the 9 fingered Australian onstage and see what happens?' When I come to NY in Feb-March in 2006 and you reach the same dilemma, get me on there to talk to Dave, at least I'd be more intelligible and entertaining than a meat-head football player whose only claim to fame is that he had a finger removed.
Whose Line Is It Anyway? Any regular viewers and fans of this show will know that giving the personality of Richard Simmons as a challenge to the performers is a common occurrence. Lastnite, in a game of Multiple Personalities, whoever held the flyswatter had to be Richard Simmons. The game started and Greg Proops, Wayne Brady and Ryan Stiles were all brilliant at doing Richard, Elvis and Scooby Doo. It was all very standard as far as the show goes. Then Colin played a round of Newscast where he stands in front of a Green Screen and has to make up a newscast without knowing whats projected behind him. In this case, it was an old reel of Richard Simmons leading aerobics. Then it was Wayne's turn to sing a song, which he usually does from someone Drew Carey selects from the audience, but this episode Drew told Wayne he had a surprise and he was to sing to....Richard Simmons. So Simmons comes out and hugs everyone declaring how excited he is and they sing the song and he leads the rest of the cast (and some of the audience) in dancing along. Then he leaves. Then he comes back again and stays out and assists in every game until the end. By the conclusion of the show, everyone, myself included, had sore stomach and face muscles from laughing so fucking hard. This guy is seriously on drugs... or needs to start taking some. He was either prancing around, waving his arms or trying to kiss/suck/touch the cast... mostly Wayne. If anyone has this episode on video or DVD, I'd love a copy. It was disturbing, but oh so fucking funny.
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