Let's call today: 'Saturday, 5 November 2005'
wrote in the notebook:
Yours Queerly
So the march/parade lastnite was pretty good. Altho we saw a few people I'd not have minded never seeing again.
Her: fine, dont say hello then!! Me:....okay, then I wont (turn away)
On the way to Victoria Square, I saw a new-ish scooter with pedals like the one on Amelie, and Basil had to drag me away saying that it's not there for me to steal.
And here's something I never thought I'd say - especially on the queerest night in Adelaide - I patted a man's python. No, no, you crude rudies. An actual python. After Basil skitted away in terror (I'm told that she didn't shriek, but I reckon she did), I went up to the man and asked about his unusual reptillian scarf, then patted her. She was quite happy there hanging around his neck, despite all the noise and people, and some loony like myself patting her head and cooing about how 'purty' she was. Basil asked wasnt I scared she'd bite me? I gathered that the man wouldnt have brought her out if she was susceptible to getting scared and biting. Besides, other than hurting like hell, she wouldnt be able to kill me.
All thru the parade I was playing to the camera's and Basil hypocritically called me a poser. Feh. Passion and Cleo were the main attractions of our section of the parade tho - this clump of little asian girls found them amazing and the camera's were going mad snapping away at these two beanpole drag queens.
So when the parade ended, we all gathered in that little courtyard between Fowlers and the City East campus, and hung around for awhile, but before long it was a bit too repititive and we went back to the Ed for tea. Besides - the queens' feet were hurting :P
I had a look at Feast tshirts to see if I wanted to buy any, but after a scan over them I said 'nah, theyre all gay'.
Hahahaha get it? I'm so funny.
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