Let's call today: 'Monday, 19 June 2006'
wrote in the notebook:
Home again... for a bit.
Hey hey, I'm tired as anything and a bit cold, and have to be up to work in Sefton Park early tomorrow so I'll be brief.
After treating myself to a ride on the Rothbury paddle boat on my day off, I decided it was time to leave Mildura and embarked on the drive back, stopped into Two Wells to see Extra Extraordinaire and the fam, then went straight on to see Katie cos we've been missing each other where I spent the night... with KJ (ooooooh!) No, don't get too excited. Just sleeping... and apparently I giggle and whimper and make other noises in my sleep, so Kage knew exactly what emotion I was experiencing as I dreamt. I found this news hilarious.
Anyway the next day was spent taking photos with Katie (left, which I've entitled I can be your hero. Or: 6 weeks after the shave), and watching a stupid stupid STUPID version of Snow Queen with Ben (a lame and endless Hallmark version, not the weirdly cool animated version -- that dvd is so ebayed!!) which was amusing but frustrating, then home where I was met with a purple teddy bear and (best of all) my own bed. Today I finally got to see the doctor for my cold even though it's nearly gone now, and go to the chiropractor with the nice accent and cool gadgets with no cracking, and I finally finally finally got around to finishing my paperwork for this past week and getting that and my films sent away, AND reloading films in my magazines so I don't run out this week - smack my fingers I should have done it a few days ago. Now I just have to clean my van and do some laundry and I'll be on top of things again. For awhile. Victor Harbor Thurs, Fri and Sat. Yay whales!
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