If someone had told me that Play 'n' Fun Children's Play Cafe had been re-painted all Tim Burton, I'd have frequented it more before its now looming closure. Damn. I met Dirk too late *sniff*.
Yesterday after playing at Billy Baxters, Eli and I took our rent-a-crowd to see Dirk working at Play 'n' Fun and played in the maze-junglegym-slide thing, and frolicked in the ball pit. It was sheer delight.
I got to (somehow) squish into the Firetruck and go 'wooooOOOOOoooooo'.
And we were a bit big for the mazey thing, but we managed. I got through the smaller obstacles by commando crawling, Which Emma and I confessed was kinda fun.
A small boy joined us in the bigger ball cage and was quite happy hurling exercise balls twice his size at us. It was hilarious. And as soon as he left we resumed our hardcore war with them.
Anita, Dirk and Eli enjoyed the Carousel also. Emma said it was something to do when theatre people get together, or words to that effect.
I made a completely random clip of the frivolity
here. Enjoy.