Let's call today: 'Tuesday, 8 April 2008'
wrote in the notebook:
Hello from the State Library of SA. No Chat, no Email, no SMS, no Games etc etc; the internet computers here are strictly for boring uses only and really, I'm surprised it's even letting me do this - the last resort of spending the surf of the internetage sea - blogging. Oh well, it's a good excuse for a catch up. It won't let me view the blog, but I can compose.
Right now Lauren is on her laptop doing her homework for TAFE, and I decided to pop in to town on my way home from a job interview (which, naturally I walked through and came out one job offer richer). Hence, the need for internet-meats and the killing of time.
So, 2008 already huh? In April no less! What did i even do in the past year? Finished working with Pixifoto; bought my new fav guitar; began a new job playing cards; met my gorgeous girl; sold the van and bought a new car and a 90cc putt-putt bike; got a new TV, dvd player and lounge suite; visited Melbourne twice; saw Tim Finn/ Elton John/ Phantom of the Opera/ Missy Higgins; visited the Barossa (purty); had fun with The Amount with Maz until my editing program had a conniption fit; and started slooooowly moving out of home.
Busy 2007. But I say that every year.
So far 08 seems to be another open book of possibilities - well, no argument there, I've already ran 2 red lights in the first few months... yeah go me! - I now have 2 jobs: the cas and soon to begin another photography post, which, despite the lower pay by a dollar or so an hour, I will enjoy infinitely more. Here's to hoping I may one day be able to almost replace the former with the latter, but I'll wait for those chickens to hatch before I start counting.
The people I work with are, as a whole, lovely. Those I work for are truly awesome. But those I work to (that is, the public)... well let's just say there's only so long you can sympathize with masicists and other gluttons for punishment.
Also, to cure the unavoidable symptoms of itchy feet, I've been looking into working in Canada for 6 or 12months through another abroad program... typical: home for a couple of years and it's time to go a-hunting again on a new foray. But all this is something to kick off 2009 with, this new job will tide me over with little country jobs like Pixifoto did, and Lauren will have finished TAFE by the end of this year so will be available to join me.
As I am constantly reminded every few days, it's not long before Lauren and I will have been together for a year. Okay, granted to all you long-termer's out there: this is no amazing feat. But hey, it's a personal best... for both of us.
Anyway the automated voice informs me that the library will soon close and that I must finish my work. To that I say: Pish! I shall remove myself when I am good and damn well ready!!.... Okay, I'm done.
When Lauren's place is outfitted with internet-meats I will try, strive, yearn, promise, intend, and attempt, to blog more often.
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