Let's call today: 'Monday, 8 March 2010'
wrote in the notebook:
so as if the gods heard me having a small frustrated headshake moment, i was contacted this week by a very interested manager of another mobile portrait studio company. She seems nice and easy to discuss things with and was very interested in getting me started with them. My previous experience with photo corp meant that i'm apparently a sought after commodity. Well, guess it saves them training me in full. I leave for NSW in a few days to get retrained and then thrown in the deep end for a 6 week safari. This company has 4 people working in each team. I'll have to get used to that, having been a one person studio for so long, then in the last months having 2 of us, the most was 3. Will be an interesting change to learn/observe. Hourly rate wise i'm taking a paycut, but will be working full time hours in a job i enjoy anyway, so will actually be earning more. Expenses are basically the same as photo corp cept actually a little better- rather than giving me an allowance to utilise as i wish for car/travel/accomodation, they'll arrange and pay for that for me. So the organisation side of things is done also, which is good cos i fluked many a lastminute cabin or motel room. And i don't have to rebuy a van again! I use their vehicles. Only real downside is the short notice of this week, but all said and down tis shuffleable (no casino pun intended). Oh that and i think my uniform is a pink shirt. But hey if thats the worst of it, i'm fine with that! No more drunk gamblers after this weekend, and on my metro weeks... Weekends free to socialise like a human again! All going well anyways, so wish me luck, and pray all these chickens hatch so i can start counting them finally.
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